At Meadowfield Primary School, we work hard with staff, governors and parents/carers to meet the needs of all our pupils, as we recognise that each child is an important member of our school community.
We ensure that this support is initially implemented through quality first teaching, where our teachers plan, deliver and evaluate lessons which allow pupils with all SEND needs to meet their potential and succeed. We ensure that every child is treated as an individual and personalise teaching and resources where necessary.
The school carefully monitors children’s progress in order to ensure that individuals receive the appropriate curriculum support when they need it. This is monitored through regular pupil progress reviews, as well as termly reviews with the SENDCo,
If your child is identified as having special educational needs or a disability (SEND), you will be invited to talk to the class teacher and the Special Needs Co-ordinator (SENDCo) . You may also have your own concerns regarding your child’s progress or wellbeing, and this should first be discussed with your child’s class teacher. You may also wish to contact our SENDCo's (details below). This may involve observation and assessment in school, additional support within the classroom or referral to external agencies such as the Complex Needs Team, SENSAP (Special Educational Needs Statutory Assessment and Provision), Speech and Language Therapy, Behaviour Support Workers, Educational Psychologists, Visual or Hearing Impairment Team or our Cluster Team.
If there are other agencies already involved with your child when they start school or nursery, please let us know as soon as possible so that we can work with them to provide the best support for your child.
Local Offer
As part of the new SEND Code of Practice and legislation, Local Authorities have a duty to publish a Local Offer. This offer sets out information about the provision that they expect to be available in their local area across education, health and social care for children and young people who have SEND or who are disabled. This offer also includes pupils who do not have Education, Health and Care plans (EHC) plans.
Please find below policies for our SEND core offer, our SEND policy and our Local Offer
Please see Mrs Almond (our SEND Co-ordinator) in the first instance; who will be more than happy to listen to any concerns you may have and will endeavour to do their very best to resolve them. They can be contacted via the school phone number: 0113 3230010 or the office email: