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Red Kite Learning Trust

Our Curriculum

Year 6

Meet the Team

Mrs Sinclair, Mr Thompson, Miss Rossington,Mrs Pritchard, Mrs Bray, Miss Duncan, Miss Forsell

Our Curriculum 

PSHE and World War Two

In PSHE (Personal, Social and Health Education) we will explore the following questions: ‘Where does your moral compass come from?’ and ‘What is integrity and how do I get it?’. Our main theme is ‘War and Peace’. As we continue the topic from the first half term, the children will be learning about the outbreak and progression of the war and its effect upon the lives of ordinary British people. As well as developing a range of history skills, the children will explore the geographical context and global nature of the conflict. WW2 will provide lots of excellent writing opportunities, both in the form of stories and factual writing and we will encourage the children to share these with you at home. We are continuing to read Goodnight Mr Tom as our class readers.

The Ancient Greeks

This half term, we will learn about the Ancient Greeks and how they have influenced British Society, in the modern day. This will include looking at democracy, philosophy and mythology. We will explore their fascinating myths, including that of Gaia, their creation of the world story.

Standard Assessment Tests (SATs)

In May, we will complete the year 6 SATs. These will assess the children’s National Curriculum knowledge, in preparation for high school.

These will take place during the week commencing 8th May 2023, so please ensure that no holidays or appointments are booked during this week.


In our final half term, we will learn about the Windrush Generation. This will include finding out how people from the Caribbean came to the UK after World War Two and their contribution to rebuilding the country post war. We will focus on their experiences, including the many challenges they faced.


Our maths learning will focus on high level arithmetic skills and focussing on improving our reasoning and problem-solving skills. To do this we will consolidate our previous KS2 learning and skills. This will support our transition to high school and prepare us for KS3 maths learning and skills.


In writing we will focus on sentence structure and securing the use of more advanced punctuation to improve cohesion within our writing. We will be Writing for Pleasure by giving the children ownership of their writing, with the aim for each child to produce a range of published genres. This will support the children in their transition to high school, by making sure they are making meaningful decisions in regards to their writing and have a clear authorial intent during writing sessions.


As scientists we will explore light and its properties. We will learn about electricity, including how circuits work. Our previous human body learning will be revisited, with a particular focus on the circulatory system and the organs in our bodies. We will also revisit our previous classification learning, with a greater focus on Carl Linnaeus’ classification system and harmful and helpful micro-organisms. Finally, we will learn all about evolution and inheritance, including Charles Darwin’s theory of our evolution from apes.

PE days

We have PE on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. However, there may be additional PE sessions, which your child will be informed about.

The children should come to school in their PE kits on these days and they will remain in their kits all day.

Home learning expectations

Our home learning will be focused around spellings, punctuation, grammar and maths. Each Friday your child will receive a task for each of these areas and these should be returned by the following Friday. Children who do not complete home learning will complete the tasks in their own time.

Please make sure your child is using their reading record: this is where they can log their reading and revise important GPS points. THESE MUST BE IN SCHOOL EVERY DAY. It is crucial that you read regularly with your child and question them to ensure understanding, in order to help your child prepare the for assessments.

Links to online support for children in Y6

In the new year children will be expected to start revising for the SATs, which are in May. We will be offering the opportunity to purchase heavily discounted revision guides for this after the Christmas break.

The BBC Bitesize website is a great tool to support this revision:

Meadowfield Primary School is part of Red Kite Learning Trust, a charitable company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales with company number 7523507, registered office address: Red Kite Office, Pannal Ash Road, Harrogate, HG2 9PH

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