Attendance & Holidays in Term Time
It is essential that children come to school every day and on time so that they can achieve their potential.
If a child does not come into school and the parent/carer has not contacted us, we will ring home to find out why they are not present and offer support if needed.
We are required to follow up all families with children who have low attendance.
Attendance Protocol September 2024
Working Together To Improve School Attendance
Please call school each day that your child is absent to leave a message for the attendance team. They will be able to offer your support or advice. 0113 3230010 - then choose ‘attendance’.
Holidays in Term Time
We endeavour to tell parents/carers well in advance about term dates and our additional 5 training dates to help with holiday planning.
Under no circumstances are holidays in term time authorised.
In exceptional circumstances, term time leave may be authorised at the Headteacher's discretion.