We have a whole school focus on presentation and children are encouraged to take real pride in their learning.
Our handwriting policy focuses on legible writing with accurate letter formation that allows the children to get their ideas down as clearly and efficiently as possible. We run handwriting interventions and core body builders for children who need a little extra support with this area of learning.
Through Read, Write Inc, the children learn to 'hold a sentence' and apply their phonics skills to help them build words and phrases. Gradually building up their confidence and praise for resilience is so important as they start their journey as writers. Grammar, punctuation and spelling rules are practised daily and children are challenged to apply their skills across the curriculum, always rereading to check that their sentences make sense to the reader.
It is important for the children to see a real purpose for writing and understand its importance in our daily lives. As such, we highlight the importance of deciding on an audience for our writing and think about how to share and 'publish' our learning. The children develop creative writing skills, as well as how to present factual information. We use our Treasure Box texts to inspire the children, as well as planning and delivering lessons that link to real world events and come from the children's own areas of interest. We connect with real authors through visits and virtual events, helping the children to discover that writing is a process that requires planning, editing and redrafting.
This year we have a new project that will help the children to discover their 'writers' voices' and see writing as an important means of self-expression. It's not just about reading for pleasure, but writing for pleasure too!
This year we have a new project that will help the children to discover their 'writers' voices' and see writing as an important means of self-expression. It's not just about reading for pleasure but writing for pleasure too!