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Red Kite Learning Trust

Our School

Our Vision and Priorities

Copyright Meadowfield Primary School (29)

At Meadowfield we spent a lot of time with our children and our governors to come up with our vision and values. These are so important to us and you will see them on display and happening in our behaviour and how we are around each other at school.


Today we create, tomorrow we achieve, forever we learn


Self worth – building confidence in yourself, being proud of what you can achieve

Resilience- capacity to learn from your mistakes and keep trying until you reach your goal

Communication – taking the time to think about what we communicate and the impact it has on others; being clear and calm, always seeking to understand others’ point of view

Ambition – trying is learning, always aim to be the best we can be and respect others for doing the same

“Who you are tomorrow begins with what you do today”   Tim Fargo

Meadowfield Primary Golden Rules:

  • Be an active listener and skilled speaker
  • Always try your best
  • Use restorative practice
  • Use resources properly
  • Always respect each other
 Copyright Meadowfield Primary School (13)

Our Priorities 

1. Ensure all of our children know more and remember more and support children in filling in any learning gaps; to improve children's grammar, punctuation and spelling and use this in writing and to improve children's mathematical fluency and so their problem solving and reasoning.
2. Improve our school attendance by supporting and working with parents/carers to ensure everyone recognises the importance of daily attendance at school for all.
3. Ensure our school curriculum shows children inspirational people who they can look up to.
4. For our Early Years team to increase the amount of engagement they have with our parents and carers.

Copyright Meadowfield Primary School (62)

Meadowfield Primary School is part of Red Kite Learning Trust, a charitable company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales with company number 7523507, registered office address: Red Kite Office, Pannal Ash Road, Harrogate, HG2 9PH

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