We follow a mastery approach to the teaching of mathematics in school, where our children acquire a deep, long-term, secure and adaptable understanding of the subject.
We use the Five Big Ideas in teaching for mastery:
- Lessons are broken down into small steps so children can gradually make sense of concepts.
- Children use equipment (manipulatives) and draw models to help them make sense of new ideas and explore problems.
- Children are encouraged to think carefully and discuss their ideas with their peers.
- We believe fluency is a key part of being a successful mathematician and so invest time in learning key facts such as times tables and number bonds.
- All children are exposed to a variety of different mathematical problems and are taught how to reason effectively.
We teach CLIC every morning from 8:45 – 9:00 in KS1 and KS2. Children tackle questions independent and then teacher checks for understanding in order to inform future sessions. The CLIC curriculum is linked to the NC and is a set of objectives organised into year groups which covers place value and calculation.
Long Term Plan
We follow a bespoke LTP which is based on the White Rose LTP but adapted to ensure regular consolidation of place value and calculation to aid retention of key knowledge and skills.
Small Steps
The White Rose Maths small steps are used to plan lessons. These contain the key knowledge for each year group and are organised into a logical and developmental order. Some steps may take longer to embed and children move from knowledge of key facts to procedural competence before moving onto reasoning and problem solving. Response interventions are used to ensure children keep pace as a class and are short and focused.
Early Years
In reception, the number part of mathematics is taught using the Mastering Number program, which is delivered to the whole class, in fitting with a mastery approach. Additional activities are also delivered in smaller targeted groups after the whole class input.Maths learning and key vocabulary is targeted in areas of provision though quality adult interaction.
Mastering Number
Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 use the Mastering Number program to target children’s number sense including key developmental objectives such as subitising and automatic recall of number facts. Years 1 and 2 deliver this program in addition to their daily maths lesson in short 10-minute sessions four days a week.
Calculation Policy
This details the progression in the four operations and the key models and manipulatives we use. It links to the White Rose Maths planning.
Summative assessment of mathematics in Year 2 and KS2 occurs three times a year. Year 1 use summative assessment once a year in the summer term. At Meadowfield we use the NTS assessments, except in year 6 where previous KS2 SATs papers are used. In addition, Year 2 use a previous KS1 SATs paper in the Spring term. The data from these tests is used to identify trends and to track progress of children. Through the marking of these tests, teachers identify areas of maths where the key knowledge is not secure and needs reteaching.