Local Governing Body
The Role of the Governors
The Governors, in conjunction with the Headteacher, are responsible for managing the school. This specifically includes the appointment of all members of staff, both teaching and non-teaching, monitoring the school budget and ensuring pupil progress. We have overall responsibility for the aims, ethos and policies of the school.
Message from the Chair of Governors - Janet Simmons:
Meadowfield Primary is supported and guided by a strong governing board who bring a wide range of experience and skills to the school. We are all committed to running a school which offers an excellent and inclusive education to our children. We offer many opportunities for the pupils to have fun and try new experiences, so that we can develop well rounded children, who can fully achieve their potential and also go on to secondary school happy and confident.
Governors are proud of the fact that we have an excellent staff team, very good facilities and a creative learning environment. We are very pleased that our last OFSTED report confirmed that we have a good overview of pupil progress and support our staff in raising attainment.
The governing board is made up of parents, staff and members of the local community.
Meadowfield Governors Annual Statement and Impact Report
Members of our governing board have played, and continue to play, a strong role in driving the school forward, with our vision and values at the heart of all our decisions.
Our main priority is ensuring that our pupils progress appropriately in their education and appreciate that for this to happen they must be supported by a well led, enthusiastic, professionally competent and motivated staff all working together within a safe, supportive, creative environment.
Governors appreciate too the requirements of our children’s parents and carers and their need to be satisfied about the overall leadership and management of the school and how it affects safety, learning and enjoyment of their children.
To achieve their objectives governors too must continually evaluate the role they have played within the life of the school, and publish relevant information to all interested parties.
This statement and report are part of that evaluation and publication process.
School Development Plan
Governors work co-operatively with the head teacher and senior leadership team in writing and monitoring the School Development Plan. The School Development Plan sets aims for the forthcoming year. The current SDP is based on priorities identified from data, school self-evaluation and post pandemic responses. The SDP is set out with clear aims, the key tasks which will be completed in order to achieve these aims and the success criteria in order to measure outcomes. The SDP is monitored 3 times a year and reviewed by the local governing board, with an evaluation overview being completed and presented to governors.
Governors’ Action Plan
One priority is always to monitor the SDP. We also evaluate our action plan each year and the impact.
2024-2025 Calendar of Meetings and Events
Governor Meeting Attendance
Governor attendance has always been of a very good level, with any absences fully explained and accepted and approved by the governing board. Absent governors are asked to submit questions via e mail when they cannot attend meetings. Their input is always minuted.
The level of commitment shown by our governing board is excellent.
Governor Class Allocation
- Nursery and Reception Claire Hicks, Brenda Mason
- Year 1 Janet Simmons
- Year 2 Mike Moore
- Year 3 Nichola Pemberton
- Year 4 Lloyd Nolan
- Year 5 Vicky Holland
- Year 6 Nick Thackray
Governor Visits
Governors visit the school as part of their monitoring of the SDP and these are considered a valuable opportunity for them to be able to work closely with staff members. Governors with responsibilities follow a cycle which sets out the monitoring activities which they will be undertaking with the staff leader. We organise a Participation Day annually where all governors are invited into school for the day for planned monitoring activities and to visit their allocated classes. We get to know the school really well and this helps us make informed and successful decisions.
Data Analysis
Data is regularly made available to governors in our meetings with presentations followed by question and answer sessions with the head teacher and members of the senior leadership team. The governors are then able to scrutinise and benchmark our data against similar schools, the Local Authority and schools nationally to ensure our standards and expectations are high as possible.
Particular scrutiny is placed on pupil progress across all ability groups including vulnerable groups, pupil mobility and on the effective use of the Pupil Premium. Our Pupil Premium governor monitors the use of our grant and the impact on progress and reports back at LGB meetings. Effective use of the PE funding is also monitored by another governor.
Governors review all relevant policies on a programmed basis to ensure that all guidance is current and up to date.
Financial Management
The governors work with school staff and the MAT to ensure financial regularity and transparency in line with statutory requirements befitting Academies.
The impact of the governors’ role in the school ensures that the budget is managed effectively and improvements are effective and continuous. Governor expertise – the governors bring a wide variety of expertise to the school and this helps to ensure the school is moving forward. The Chair of Governors attends some budget setting and review meetings with headteacher and finance officer.
Staff Recruitment
The head teacher, leadership team and a number of governors are trained in “Safer Recruitment”
Governors are involved in the recruitment and selection of some key staff. We use the appointment process to ensure high quality personnel who share our vision and values.
Governor Training
Governors attend training sessions regularly, particularly those run by Red Kite Learning Trust. Our training record is kept up to date by our Training Governor and clerk.
Future and Continuous Improvement
The governing board and senior leadership team are constantly motivated to improve and develop, ensuring the highest standards of achievement, financial prudence and creating an outstanding school. We are hugely ambitious for the outcomes of our children, continuously striving to fulfil the best in all areas of school life.