Meet the Team
Miss N Halliwell / Mrs J Rossington
Ms K Robinson, Mrs A Corcoran, Miss J Hall, Miss S Martin (Speech & Language),
In Nursery, children follow the Early Years Foundation Stage.
This is made up of key areas of learning. The Prime Areas - Communication and Language, Physical Development and Personal, Social and Emotional Development. Children also learn to develop their Literacy, Maths, Creative skills and Understanding of the world through hands on practical activities and small group sessions. Play is at the heart of all we do and we value the learning environment as a way for children to develop and steer their learning, curiosity, independence and resilience. Your child's class teacher and support staff track your child closely throughout the year and measure their progress against age related levels.
Class Dojo
In Nursery we use Class Dojo as a means of communicating and sharing your child's interests and achievements. Remember to check the app to see messages, photographs and reminders. Any absences/illnesses should still be phoned into the school office. If you have not net signed up to Class Dojo see a member of Nursery staff for your unique code.
Please check Dojo for home learning updates
Curiosity Accredited Early Years setting
As Early years practitioners we have a passion for providing children with the best possible start. Through the Curiosity Approach we work hard to create an environment that promotes awe, wonder and curiosity through the use of authentic and natural resources. It is a wonderful mix of Reggio, Montessori, Steiner and Hygee methodology that will help promote and widen experiences for our children. We see our children as the 'thinkers and doers of the future' and are proud to be the only school accredited setting in the North of England.
Our Interactions
Within Early Years, interacting with young children is at the heart of our daily practice and a vital part of our teaching and learning. Interactions are profoundly important for supporting and extending learning.
“Nothing matters more than stopping, listening and responding positively”
In Nursery and Reception we are trained to use the Wait, Watch, Wonder method of interacting. This is based upon the research and evidence of Julie Fisher.
Wait – reminds the practitioner to start by doing nothing but being respectful of the learning and activity that is already happening.
Watch – allows the practitioner to understand the intent and purpose of the activity and whether it is the right time to intervene
Wonder – allows time for the practitioner to ponder on what exactly the child is trying to achieve or how to stimulate them further