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Red Kite Learning Trust

Our Curriculum

Year 2

Meet the team

Miss T Cadore, Mrs S O'Gorman, Ms G Sangra, Miss B Keenaghan, Mrs N Keeligan

Our Curriculum


To start our Year 2 learning journey, we will be learning all about the Continents and Oceans. We will learn songs and rhymes to help us remember ALL of them! In RE, we will look at the problems our planet faces and ways in which we can slow this down. As scientists, we will be learning about living things and their habitats, especially those that live in the oceans. We will answer questions such as: Where does this animal live? How has it adapted? Which animals are predators? This learning is consolidated with an underwater adventure at The Deep in Hull.

Victorian Christmas

This History topic covers life in Victorian times, including clothing, toys, schools and work in mills. We will identify similarities and differences between then and now and learn just how lucky we are that we don’t have to work in a mill or get the cane! In DT we will use our sewing skills to make our very own Victorian teddy.


At Meadowfield we LOVE learning about artists, especially ones from our county – David Hockney. We will study his art work before expressing ourselves in his style. We will think carefully about what we like, dislike, which materials are the best to use, how to create different effects and we’ll have an opportunity to create some digital art. This topic links back to the Victorians as we learn about Salts Mill in Saltaire. and Sir Titus Salt. We will find out about how he put changes in place to help the people of Bradford. As Geographers, we will name and locate the countries, capitals and the seas of the UK, as well as comparing our home town of Leeds to Saltaire.


Time to go on an adventure to Africa! We will learn all about the heritage of Africa and identify where some of our class members come from. We will think about the different ways people make a living, how they dress and have an opportunity to appreciate their art and music. In DT, we will taste a range of African foods before making an African dish. We will think carefully about a healthy balanced diet and discuss our personal preferences.

Great Fire of London

Let’s travel back in time to September 1666 when a small spark in Thomas Farriner’s bakery on Pudding Lane set the whole city alight. We will learn about how the fire started, how long it lasted and how life improved following the fire. In PSHE, we will be learning about keeping safe and managing risks. We will be designing, making and evaluating our own moving fire trucks in DT, using a range of materials.


Time to build our resilience and learn about how hard Olympians such as Mo Farrah, Jessica Ennis and Nicola Adams train to become the very best they can be to achieve their dreams. We will find out about how the Olympics started in Ancient Greece and that the modern ones started in 1896. This links back to our year 1 learning about the London 2012 Olympics.


We will use a range of resources in Maths to develop our mathematical skills. We will learn the 2, 5 and 10 times tables and how to apply these to different problems. For addition and subtraction, we will be learning the most effective way to solve them, whether it’s counting on/back, using resources or column method. We will be developing fluency in recalling number facts and identifying number patterns.


In writing we will be continuing to develop the use of capital letters and full stops, as well as using other punctuation such as question marks and commas. We will use a range of texts to inspire our creative writing and take great joy in ‘publishing’ our writing to share with others. We will have daily RWI (phonics) lessons, where new sounds will be learned and applied in their reading books.


As scientists, we will learn about living things in their habitats (see Oceans topic). We look closely at animals and their babies in the animals, including humans topic, this includes identifying they require air, food and water to stay alive and how they grow. When we study plants we will recognise the different parts of a flower and whether they started as a bulb or a seed. We will investigate the conditions plants need to stay healthy and discuss our findings. We will recap the Year 1 Materials topic and investigate them further by asking questions such as ‘is paper a good material to make shoes?’.


We are VERY lucky in Year 2 because we have a weekly recorder lesson. Miss Lee comes in and teaches us how to hold a recorder correctly, how to play different notes, how to perform, plus lots more!


Class Dojo

Please ensure you are registered on Class Dojo, here you will find all the information you need for Year 2, such as dates for special events, photographs of learning in the classroom, lost property… the list goes on! You can also message the class teacher directly if you have any issues or concerns.

Autumn 1 Curriculum Overview

Autumn 2 Curriculum Overview

Spring 1 Curriculum Overview

Links to online support for children in your year group

Meadowfield Primary School is part of Red Kite Learning Trust, a charitable company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales with company number 7523507, registered office address: Red Kite Office, Pannal Ash Road, Harrogate, HG2 9PH

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